Thursday, May 5, 2011

Happy Cinco De Mayo!

While everyone else is out dowing margaritas and eating tacos, I'll be doing my COM homework. No big deal, I still have three weeks of school left.....

I've been sick for three days. Three days of just hanging out with my dad while he complains about the news, talks about moving into a nice house, and yells about the bastard that stole our kitten.

YEAH THAT'S RIGHT. someone came, sneakily, to my front door and stole my six week old kitten. news flash, asshole: she's not old enough to leave her mother yet. I wish nothing but horrible things for you, you criminal. You stole a living, breathing thing. If you saw a baby unattended, would you steal that too? I hate you. /dramatics. But seriously, who does that?

The time I've spent NOT crying over the disappearance of my beloved Lois (yes, we named her already), I've spent battling this cold. And with the help of lots of Nyquil and sleep, I think I'm finally starting to overcome this monster. It was definitely a doozy. I finally think I'm healthy enough to get out and enjoy this beautiful day...oh wait, I mean, go to my REL class. Sweet.

So, after a lot of consideration, and a few episodes of Extreme Couponing, I decided I want to be a party planner. I don't know how Extreme Couponing helped me with that decision, but it happened. I love organization, even though you wouldn't be able to tell when looking in my bedroom. I love organizing things for people. No one wants to plan a party by themselves. BUT I WOULD LOVE TO. So, keep me in mind if you're planning your wedding, or birthday party. Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. Wow...that's horrible about Lois. I cannot believe someone would do that? What the hell? I'm sorry!
