Thursday, January 19, 2012

I feel like I'm in high school!

I haven't done a questionnaire like this since I had Myspace. But, I was tagged in a blog post by Brittany in her blog, Blogging Out Loud. I love things like this because I really like for people to get to know me. Maybe that makes me self-centered. Whoooopppss.But anyway, since I was tagged, I have to answer the questions and then I'm supposed to tag five people. I don't have five people, or five followers so I'll just answer them, and you guys can read them.

My Questions

1. Which Disney princess is most like you?

Well looks wise, Ariel obviously. I love having mermaid hair. But, I've always admired Belle and used to have dreams of being her at Disney World. Beauty and the Beast is my favorite Disney movie. Belle has such a huge heart. But, in the beginning of the movie she judges the beast by his appearance and the first impression she got from him, which is exactly how I am with people. I'm very judgemental at first (I think that's a girl thing, really). But, I always end up changing my opinion of people.
2. What song do you have on repeat right now?
I have listened to the whole "Camp" Album from Childish Gambino every day on my way to school for the last three weeks. My most listened to song is "You See Me." You can listen to the song in my post from last night, if you're interested.
3. Who was your first crush?
In kindergarten I had a crush on a boy named Alex Perilockis. This was when I lived in New York so who even knows where he is now. It was love at first sight. But then, one day he kissed my hand and I didn't like him anymore. I guess 5 year old me just loved the chase.4. Where do you see yourself in five years? Be honest.
I would love to be living close to a city. Working in an entertainment/family-fun environment. If I could, I would work for the Cedar Fair Company forever. But who knows what I'll be interested in in five years.
5. Would you rather lose your vision or your hearing? Why?
Hearing. Life is too beautiful and I don't want to miss out. 6. What scares you the most?
2012. I'm not a crazy person, but my dad watches so much god damn discovery channel that I literally can't even think about it without my stomach starting to hurt.
7. When was the last time you cried?
What doesn't make me cry? Seriously. Last night, on American Idol, a girl auditioned who helped mentally disabled adults. Seeing how happy they were and watching them interact with one another brought me to tears.
8. What three physical attributes do you find most attractive in a guy?
I love good hair. I'm a sucker for a nice smile- mostly because my smile is highly unattractive. I also love a nice build. Skinny dudes are kind of gross, but if it looks like you could break me in half, I'm not interested. 9. If you had unlimited money, which store would you visit first?
H&M for clothes. But, Anthropologie for pretty much anything else. They have beautiful furniture and cute clothes as well but nothing is under $60.
10. What is your guiltiest pleasure?
Dr. Phil. I could watch him all day long.
11. If you could wake up tomorrow with a new talent, which would you choose?
Shoot, that's a tough one. I would love to be able to play the piano. I love when bands have a keyboard, so I think it'd be really cool to be able to play. I've taught myself how to play notes to certain songs, but I can never do the cool two handed, weird foot pedal songs. That probably doesn't even make sense.
12. If you could have any exotic animal as a pet, which would you choose?


1 comment:

  1. I love your answers.

    I love Beauty and the Beast, too. I love your in-depth analysis of it.

    I just laughed for five minutes about the 5-year-old version of you loving the chase.

    That animal is too cute.

    I'm so glad you did this! :) I love your blog and get so excited when you update.
