Monday, January 17, 2011

my weekend and the things i thought about.

I get so excited for Fridays. Friday means I get to make the hour drive to Columbus; it means I get to fight all the other drivers on that lonely stretch of 71 North; I have to inconveniently drive the detour around 12th Street to park at a meter on 11th. I occasionally have to fight the meter maids, dodge cars driving too quickly down the street and face the bitter cold. Picking up Kyle usually makes it worth it.

That's usually how my weekend starts out. I'll pick him up, we come back to Cincy, we do whatever we have planned. This weekend was different. There were no solid plans. We didn't have to be anywhere for once. Friday was just a regular day -dinner at my house with my family. Early to bed.

Saturday was quite the day as well. Again, no where to be. Just a whole free day ahead for us to do whatever we wanted. Like most days, we just kind of hung out and did nothing. Things like that never bother me though. The night was great. Everybody had dates so Kyle and I stayed in and played Wii all night long. (Yeah, we're 11. Whatever.)

^^ This game. Best game ever. Probably best played with more than two people, but Kyle and I still had a blast. I definitely reccomend it for your next party; guaranteed laughs.

We also watched Beyond Scared Straight. It's on A&E and if you haven't watched it, you defintiely should. It's a show about unruly teenagers that get sent to prison to go through an inmate-run program that attempts to scare these kids into turning their lives around. It was unbelievable and extremely scary. I was left with one question though: Why would a parent EVER let their children get that unruly?

I am not saying beat your children, by any means. But, if your kid's out of line, PUT THEM IN LINE. Growing up, my parents never tolerated back-talk. (Not that I ever did, anyway.) I just watch shows like this (or Maury, if I'm feeling extra trashy, HA) and I just can't ever imagine raising a child who grows up like that. Maybe I'm wrong. If anyone has input on why they think kids grow up like that, please let me know. I'm dying for answers.

Anyway, I only started talking about my weekend to tell you about that show, really. The rest of the weekend was pretty much like all the others. And now I'm sitting here on a Sunday night scrambling with all my damn school work, trying to study for a test tomorrow, and thinking about how I'm going to start all these internships and RHB classes I ahve to finish.

I'm over school. Five quarters left and I just feel like I can't do it. I'm running out of energy and motivation. All this school work just to end up a housewife. (Yes, that's all I want to do in life.) I need someone to tell me that all of this work, all of the time and all of this money is worth it. Eventually I'll get out of college and be a counseler right?

Insert words of wisdom and motivation here.

(Sorry for a crappy, short post. My mind is in about ten other places currently.)

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha...I feel you on the housewife thing. All the jobs I ACTUALLY want are so incredibly unrealistic and I feel like I'm wasting my life away. Ughhh...
