Wednesday, January 12, 2011

something new.

Blogs: I dig blogs. I read them, I think about them, they make me feel something. I am definitely down with the blogging process.
I find that often times when I express my opinon to someone, they tell me, "Oh, that's exactly what I was thinking." You know, if that's exactly what you were thinking, why not just say it instead of waiting for someone else to? But, since I tend to be the one to "cross the line," I figured I'll just say what everyone else wants to say, in this blog. It's kind of exciting. I can't wait to get the feeling of accomplishment every time I publish a post; I imagine a sense of accomplishment is what someone would feel. I guess I'll find out.

The first topic I'm going to hit: Jersey Shore.

If you don't know what Jersey Shore is, you either 1) don't have a computer with access to: facebook, twitter, CNN, Yahoo!, TMZ. 2) don't have a television where you can access television shows like: Headline News, Jimmy Kimmel, Conan, or even The Today Show. That's right, they've even gotten on The Today Show.

Quick explanation: 8 "guidos/guidettes" (look that up, if you're that out of the loop) living in a house in Seaside Heights, NJ together. Most everyone in the house secretly hates each other, but they'll all get drunk and have sex every single night to make it seem like they're having a good time. They've been in physical fights in public, they've been arrested, and they've had three highly rated seasons.

I am forced to ask the question, "why?" Why are these people famous? Don't people get enough Real World, Road Rules, Survivor and Big Brother? Why are these people famous for being trashy and horrible humans? If you go on Twitter and look at their profiles, people constantly write to them telling them how much they admire them and can't wait to watch them every single week. One of them wrote a book. Yes, a book; words on pages. She sells out book signings and has her own jewlery line. A girl who's just a little older as I am (just a guess) and is only famous for having big hair, wearing slippers and eating pickles. I do that shit everyday, no one's filming me.

If I sound bitter, it's likely because I am. Not that I envy their fame. But isn't it one of the most frustrating things to work so hard for something- whether it be money, love, happiness, anything- and not achieve it; but then you get to watch some assholes on tv make millions of dollars for being, well, assholes? I work hard, I go to school, and I'm a good friend. So, where's my millions dollars?



  1. Hahaha...well, perfect first post because I'm feeling that "yeah, that's exactly what I think" feeling. So, thanks for saying it. You're completely right. There are plenty of people in EVERY college town that act exactly like them and don't make money off of their antics. Even worse, there are plenty of BETTER (oops - did I just judge?) people who have lives actually worth watching that are never rewarded.

    Haha...I sorta made fun of Jersey Shore in my last post...well, at least the fist-pump. GREAT entry. Please keep it up!

  2. Also, I gave you a blog award over at my blog. Check it out. ;)
