Thursday, January 13, 2011

observations and opinions: girls.

Above all things: I believe in tolerance. If people just learned to stand each other, I think everyone would be a lot happier. You can't make anyone do what you say, believe what you say, even listen to what you say. Just because you believe in some God, doesn't mean all of your friends are going to. Just because you make your bed every morning, doesn't mean your best friend will.

With that said, I've made observations of the types of girls I have encountered during the last few years of my life. It's not as if I'm condemning girls for being the way they are. I'm not perfect, I've done shitty things to people who are supposed to be my friends. I've grown up from it and moved on. But when I take a step back and look at the people I've surrounded myself with, it's only fair to make observations. Some observations are good, some bad.


1. Any of you familiar with the show Friends? Familiar with the term "lurker" they use when they're in the casino? That's what I call this type of girl. She waits and waits for a boy to become unhappy in their relationship. She constantly tells a guy that he deserves better than the girl he's with. The second a problem arises, she's there with her "shoulder" to "cry on." Once a couple breaks up, or even BEFORE it happens, she makes her move. Girls are naive to think that after a relationship, they are anything more than a rebound. These kinds of girls just make me wish that everybody had self resepct for themselves. Wishful thinking.

2. The girl with a new boyfriend every week. At first, you understood, maybe she just can't find the right guy. But after the fifth, or sixth, or the seventh, you staret wondering, "Hm, maybe she's just in it for the sex." Or the guy is. This is another time where self-resepect and self-confidence come into play. Girl, having sex with anyone that gives you attention, doesn't necessarily mean they're going to stick around afterward. But don't worry, I'll touch on boys (not creepy) in my next blog. You're probably beautiful, and you don't need a boy's touch to make you feel that way. Just look in a mirror.

3. The friends who love you and talk to you. They laugh at your jokes, they give you advice, they ask you for advice, they let you cry to them when times get hard. But the second you're not around, they gossip about you, tell your secrets, and do the things that girls do. You've gotta look past it and simpy say, "all friends talk about each other." Yeah, my mom told me that. Girls are always going to be unnecessarily viscious. Just a fact of life. Unfortunately, you run into these kinds of girls the most.

4. The friend who will never ever take your advice. How many of you have had friends that cry to you when there's something going wrong in their life? You think hard, you pull things out of your brain that you didn't think you could ever fathom, and you tell them what you think could help them. They thank you; they cry on your shoulder for the rest of the night and you do some of the best consoling you've ever done. But then, the next day, you come to find that they didn't even take what you said into consideration. Most of the time, the girls I've encountered tend to ask me for advice about boys- boys that treat them badly, boyfriends, boy-friends. Listen: don't come to me with a guy problem if all you're going to do is justify what he does. Just sayin'.

5. The friend you can never gauge the mood of. All you wanna do is give a, "hey! what's up?" to. But, every time, it never fails, they seem cranky. They're short with you. They sound too busy for you. Who wants to deal with that? I don't have much to say about that type of girl. But really, just cheer up or something, we're all just trying to be friends here.

6. The girls that party every night. Ladies, it's fun right now. But you're gonna look like you're 35 in a few years if you keep up the drinking, drugs and cigarettes. Maybe everyone likes you right now and loves to hang out and party with you. But think about it: do they ever want to hang out with you any other time? Don't you have class, or a job to worry about? Just think about it.

Don't get me wrong here, I've got plenty of girl friends. We laugh together, cry together, we piss each other off. You just got to look past people's flaws. I wouldn't have any friends if I hated everyone for the type of person they were. If my friends didn't look past my sarcasm, rudeness, vulgarity and comic cynicism- they would miss out on my big heart and funny jokes. It's a part of life. Girls will always be bitches, but we'll always be friends.

coming soon: boys.

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