Friday, January 14, 2011

things not addressed in my first blog.

     After a while of thinking, I decided it was unfair of me just to throw a blog out there that puts people down like I did. Anyone who reads this- which probably isn't very many people- would probably never read again because they think I'm just some bitchy young adult who has nothing better to do than comment on pop culture and the female population. So, this blog will be dedicated to letting anyone who reads it, a chance to get to know me.

     My name's Meagan. I'm a full-time student and I'm currently unemployed. I have a semi-important job from April-November at Kings Island. For anyone who stumbles upon this blog that isn't familiar with the state of Ohio, it's an amusement park. I wear a tie and tell people what to do, so I guess it's pretty cool. But currently, I'm not looking for work. Maybe I'm lazy.
     I live for sarcasm and good jokes. I grew up in a family where, if you don't have wit, you're not gonna survive. Needless to say, I caught on to the wonders of wit and sarcasm at a pretty early age. I'm hoping my younger brother catches on soon. People often mistake my sarcasm for rudeness. But honestly, I don't mean about 75% of the things I say. The other 25% though, that's probably just me not being able to think before I speak.
     I'm picky about two things: friends and clothes. I will give anybody a chance. I love friends. But, you can't get along with everyone. If we can't be friends, we can't be friends. As previously stated in my blog below, I am a highly tolerant person. Just because I don't want to be friends, doesn't give me the right to hate on you. I learned that in college. Once you look past my sarcasm and mean jokes, you'd find that I'm pretty easy to get along with.
     As for clothes: they have to be perfect. I have a weird body. I'm extra big some places and then super tiny in others. It's awkward and makes shopping for clothes the most frustrating thing in the entire world. That's all I want to say, no one wants to read a blog about my shopping habits.
     I spent all of high school and freshman year of college trying t find someone to fall in love with. I had very few boyfriends and they were all never longer than a few months. I've experienced heart break on more than one occasion and it sucks. But, it goes away and eventually someone comes along that's going to make you feel better than you ever thought imaginable. Summer of 2009 I met the most amazing boy in the world. He treats me like a princess and rarely complains about my crazy emotions, my anger issues or my mean joke. I'm in love and it's stupid. Stupid, but extremely worth it. I wouldn't trade the feeling in for anything in the world.
     I spend the majority of my time watching Law and Order: SVU, Family Guy, or Degrassi. I find that I like to surround myself with people who enjoy these shows as well. If I'm not laying in bed, I have two best friends who mean the world to me that I enjoy spending my time with. We're really good at eating and bitching. We piss each other off, but I don't think I'd rather spend time with anyone else.
    If you just took time out of your day to read all of this, I'd love to thank you persnally. I'm one of the least interesting people in the entire world. I just happen to have a lot to say. There's really not much else anyone would need to know about me. My life's simple, I'm simple and I like to keep it that way.

stay tuned! my blog on men is in the works.

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