Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tuesdays Are Useless

Seriously, all I do on Tuesdays are watch Law and Order: SVU, as if I don't watch it too much already. My new school schedule allows me to sit on my ass for three whole days out of the week. (Yes, that's right, I only have to go to campus two days a week, hate me secretly.) It also gives me time to think through everything I want to write about every time I get on here. I know I haven't been updating much, but don't be fooled- I get on here about four times a week ready to post something, but then my mind goes blank. Sometimes I think I'm not interesting enough to have a blog like this. But, this particular post is going to be dedicated to talking about the things I've learned over the last year or so. It's things I need to get off my chest. Spring time always inspires me to try and be a new person or try something new all together. So, here we go, things I've come to realize:

1. I am mostly inspired by competition.
        I started dieting in the middle of January. I lost maybe a little over 10 pounds. Then I stopped. Today, the end of March, I feel like I've gained all of it back already. (It's not really fair since I'm suffering from the women's disease for the next few days.....OVERSHARE!) But, finally, a great idea. Kyle, my boyfriend, and I are going to compete to see who can lose the most percentage of weight. Every two weeks, we're going to weigh in. Whoever loses the lesser amount of percentage of fat, has to make the other person dinner. And, at the end of the Summer, whoever's lost the least percentage, has to take the other to an extravagant dinner and pay for the overnight stay at a hotel. Either way, you're sort of a winner, but not if you end up paying for it. But don't worry: I. Never. Lose.

2. Life is much better when you're surrounded by dependable friends.
         Today I went to lunch with Sam. Halfway to lunch I say, "Shit, we need to turn around, I left my wallet in my backpack." And Sam answered with an extremely surprising response, "Don't care. I'm hungry. I'll pay." But then I threw a curve ball, "No, really. I need to get an oil change while we're out." But, she didn't care, "No, I'm starving. I don't care, I'll pay for that too." Of course, I paid her back once we got back from lunch but just the fact that I know there are people like that in my life- people that can cover me like that when I need it. Those are the kinds of people I want in my life from now on, and not just financially. I need people who can be emotionally there for me; I don't need people who are too concerned with their problems that they simply don't have time for me.

3. Not everyone can be how I want them to be.
           The way I worded it sounds wrong. But disclaimer: I seriously want to be friends with everyone. But, with that, I'm the pickiest person when it comes to friends. If I don't like you, I won't be your friend. That's life. I just want good people in my life. I hate when people try to bring me down, even if it's unintentional. I just wish that everyone could be happy, be there for me so I feel okay being there for them. I just wish that I could trust everyone to not leave me once something better comes along for them.

4. I live for the summertime.
             But who doesn't, right? Even thought I'm a slave to an amusement park, summer is the best time of my life. I love my job, seriously, LOVE it. I've made best friends, learned great things, created some of the best memories with some of the most amazing people you'd ever meet. I just happen to work while doing so. Sure, my classes at school end about a MONTH after everyone elses, so everyone goes back to school before me, but I take the three months I have, and I make the best of it. (I secretly can't wait to switch to semesters at school.)

5. I belong in the business world.
          My major has been Rehabilitation Services for two years. But recently, I had an epiphany. I love people, but I'm not meant to help them as a profession. I belong in a business environment, working with people. I want to run a company, and I want to be the boss that people are happy to have. I've been lucky enough to have some of the best bosses on the planet in my six years of work experience; I just want to be that for someone someday. I changed my major to Organizational Leadership and I've never been happier.

Those are only five things, but they've made a huge impact on my life recently. I think, finally, at 20, I know exactly who I am and who I want to be. I'm excited for everything my future holds and I can't believe I'm only about four quarters away from finishing school and becoming a real person.

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