Wednesday, February 2, 2011

beautiful giiiirls, all over the world.

As I sit on facebook, twitter, tumblr -all those networking sites that people use- I'm shocked by the amount of girls out there who have nothing but negative things to say about themselves. It upsets me more than almost anything in the world. I just don't get it. It's your body, it's your face, and you've been living with it your whole life, and you've never been able to find anything you like about yourself? please, do me a favor.

look in a fucking mirror.

please, just for a few minutes. i guarantee that you will find at least one thing you like about yourself. i don't care if it's your ears, your hair line, or your eyelids. just find something. you can be big and beautiful; you can be short and beautiful; you can be scrawny and beautiful.

Also, ladies, you do NOT need a man in your life to make you feel pretty. Just because you're single doesn't mean you're repulsive. you could be intimidating, or maybe some guys just think you're out of their league. i just get so upset with all these girls like "blah blah i'm disgusting" or "no one's ever going to want me." if a dude doesn't want to be with you, he's not worth your time. there's something pretty in everyone. don't pay attention to al those disgustingly skinny girls in the media. if you've been keeping up: super-skinny lindsay lohan is going to jail, AGAIN, for stealing a necklace. so, being disgusting isn't all it's cracked up to be.

sometimes i go on rants like this and i think people just sit back and go, "greeeeat another chubby girl telling me why i should love myself." FALSE. i'm a cute, chubby girl telling you that you BETTER love youself. if you don't, i'll come love on you. because i was blessed with a huge heart and half the time, I don't know what to do with it. but, unfortunately i can't spend all my time telling people how pretty they are or how great of a person they can be. so please, do me and yourself a favor, and love yourself.

1 comment:

  1. This post made my night and frankly, I needed it. Thank you! :)
