Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 2.

Day 02 - A picture of you and the person you have been close with for awhile.

It is impossible for me to choose just one person. So here are five. Five of the very best people you could ever want to have in your life.

Sam, Morgan, Kyle, Cara Kayla.

Sam and I used to HATE each other. You couldn't even say her name around me with out me saying some unnecessary rude comment about the way she looked, or the way she acted. That's what boys do to women. It's a sick a disgusting thing. But, now she's my best friend and I love her so much. She listens to anything I have to say. And she also thinks all of my jokes are funny. (: We're so much alike it's almost disgusting, and we go to bdub's every Wednesday. <3

Morgan's been my friend since like, 2006, i think. I'll never know. Sometimes we don't talk for like months (like right now). But, nonetheless, she's a close friend of mine. She doesn't take advice and we fight pretty much all the time and we're complete opposites. But I love her, even when she doesn't think so.

I met Cara when I was tweleve. We've been friends ever since. We can go a whole year with out speaking to each other, and if you put us in a room together it's like nothing's changed at all. We've had some of the best times with her and I couldn't pick any other person to have as a childhood best friend. Kayla is her niece (more like sister, seriously). Kayla and I have always been really different. But since college, we've become more alike and she rocks and everyone should be her friend.

Kyle is my boyfriend and my best friend. I've never met a more carefree, kind person. He makes me laugh and thinks I'm funny. He makes me feel pretty every seecond of every day and never fails to put a smile on my face. We've had some of the best times together and I can't wait to see what's to come.


Valentines Day is Monday. As much as most of you would rather NOT here me talk about it, I would just like to express my excitment. (Thanks in large part to this VDay episode of Glee...) I'm not cheesy: no chocolates, no cards. But, I defintiely love trying my best to be romantic and awesome. I love surprises. Last year I got a big-ass teddy bear and almost peed my pants. Valentines Day seriously makes me feel like a little kid. If it was socially acceptable, I'd still be making Valentine's Day card boxes out of old shoe boxes (I always made the best ones in elementary school.) What are your VDay plans?


  1. I have no plans for Valentine's Day. Ugh. Just Man Meat Monday... ;) Haha!

    You better post about what happens for you this year, so I can live vicariously through you.

  2. I look forward to Man Meat Monday every week! (:
