Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 7

Day 07 - A picture of your most treasured item.

This is my cat. Her name is Sydney. She's eight and the most prissy cat ever. She's like a real person. She snuggles with me at night, she knows when I'm having a bad day, and I'm the only person she truly likes. She loves to be pet on her belly (yes, just like a dog) and she rarely likes to play with our other cat. She's the best pet I've ever had. I may just be biased because I'm obsessed with all types of cats (lions, tigers, bobcats, allllll dem.) She's the best cat ever. Love my kitty.


Happy Valentines Day! Besides the fact that I have a super great boyfriend, I just want to express the love I have for all of my friends and my family. I have some of the best, most supportive friends in the entire world.
So friday, I picked up Kyle from Columbus, (looking super cute, might I say.) I gave him the collage that I made for him and he liked it a lot. We had a group dinner date at The Polo Grille with a few of our good friends. The food was so good. Best burger ever. We went back to Steven's house for what was supposed to be a classy Valentines Day party. It was a little less than classy. But, there was much laughter, good drinks and good friends. Kyle and I stayed up until 3am, those are the best nights.

Saturday morning we went to Frische's to enjoy the mediocrity of the breakfast buffet. That night we went to his niece's fundraiser dinner. For a certain amount of money per couple, you get dinner, four drink tickets and you ge entered into a raffle. Any date where I don't get carded for drinks is a quality date to me. I was afraid I was under-dressed before we left and was really stressed out, so his mom- being the best mother that she is- gave me a couple cups of Bailey's. SWEET RIGHT? I got pretty tipsy- only to learn that pretty much all of Kyle's family was going to be there. Thanks, Luann! So I was already in a pretty geat mood when I got there. There was a silent auction and Kyle did what he could to prevent me from bidding on absolutely everything. But, he was not successful in keeping me from bidding on the Italian basket: a box of spaghetti, larosa's sauce, italian dressing, colander, spagetti grabber, measuing cups and a bottle of coke and diet coke. perfect date night material. the rest of the night was really great. Got to have a pretty good cuddle sesh with the best boy ever.

Sunday I felt like super housewife extreme (and for those of you that know me, that's pretty much my favorite thing to do ever. Seriously, I played "house" until I was like 13). I used my Italian basket and made a spaghetti dinner for Kyle and his fam. Then! I made cookies from scratch. Everyone was super happy and I felt very successful. I came home later that night and my brother had gotten me a Valentines Day card. Best little brudder in the world. I surprised him today with a box of chocolates and a heart shaped pizza.

And now I'm here. The actual day of St. Valentine, all alone and missing my man. Blogging about the almost perfect weekend, and my cat. This is the good life.

1 comment:

  1. *sigh* That sounds perfect.

    I actually "awww"-ed out loud when I read that about your brother. Oh my god.
