Tuesday, February 1, 2011

my favorite things.

it's been way too long and i apologize greatly for my absence. I got tangled up in that whole "going to school and writing papers" thing. but, campus is closed today (thank God for commuter schools) so i think I'll take advantage and finish up this blog.

My top ten favorite songs of all time:

I started with this because I know it's going ot be the hardest. Pretty much any time I hear a song I haven't listened to in a while I say, "OH MY GOD THIS IS MY FAVORITE!" But, let's get real, they're not all my favorite. I owe my taste in music to my father. He has an extensive music taste and it defintiely rubbed off on me. So let's watch as I attempt to narrow down my top ten favs.

10. Everything I Once Had by The Honorary Title
This is easily the best break-up song ever written. Since 2005, everytime I've experienced "heartbreak" I turn this song on and listen to it a few times. It's beautiful. I'm not huge on super sad emo love songs, but this song defintiely has to make the list.
9. Island by The Starting Line
This song seriously just makes me think of an ideal relationship with the ideal person. Living with someone you love, almost like it's just you two in the world and no one else. It's beautiful, I like to think every girl thinks like that. How awesome would it be to be on an island with some wonderful man who loves you and only you? Pretty great. It's like "don't worry about the problems we face because I'll love you all the same." Maybe, idk.
8. Two Weeks in Hawaii by Hellogoodbye
I don't care if Forrest is married, he definitely wrote this song for me. It's just so real. It's like he just wrote down everything he loved about this girl and turned it into a song. It sounds like something you'd find in a kid's journal. "I felt so bad whe your mom caught us eating ice cream at your room at two in the morning. Cause I would hate for her to not want me around her daughter." AAAANNNDDD this song makes reference to tying your straw and pulling it and if there's a knot, someone's thinking about you. I do that all the time. Love.
7. Mr. Wendel by Arrested Development
Everytime my dad listens to music at our house, he plays this song for me. I love it. It's just about a homeless guy and another guy who basically is like "you know what, just cause you're homeless doesn't mean you're dumb. I'll give you a few bucks if you just feed me your wisdom. Stuff like that. It's a really chilled out song. I reccomend it.
6. Caress Me Down by Sublime
I get to sing in Spanish (my favorite). Super sexy and fun. This song makes me think where Sublime would be today if their singer was still alive. Everyone should love this song. Tienes que bailar.
5. All Mixed Up by 311
This song also makes me think of my dad because he listens to it a lot. 311 is one of his favorites. Mine too. So so good. This song is really....motivating? It just makes me wanna do things.
4. People Are Strange by The Doors
Disclaimer: The Lost Boys is my favorite movie of all time (Maybe). And this song is in the opening scene. I first saw this movie when I was about four, and since then I've been listening to The Doors. So this song pretty much always has a specal place in my heart.
3. Broken Horse by Freelance Whales
I guess this is the weirdest song on my countdown because I can't tell you why it's in my top ten. I just think it's really pretty. Just listen to it, and you'll understand what I mean.
2. Down and Out by The Academy Is...
This song takes me waaaaaay back to like 2006 haha. One of the best moments of my life was being in a huge, sweaty crowd of people, singing this song, then meeting William Beckett after a long night. (And after losing my drumstick to rude young lady.) I really just wanted to put a throwback song on here, and this one popped in to my head. It's really pretty and makes me feel like singing loudly. That's what all songs should do.
1. Tiny Dancer by Elton John/Ben Folds (Both are wonderful.)
I have never loved singing a song more than this song. Not only does it remind me of Kyle (the first night we hung out we drove around in his truck and listened to music on his PSP and like 5 different versions of this song came on), but it's just a classic. It's a song where you know if you're in a public place and it comes on, people are all gonna get together to sing the chorus, whether they know each other or not.

Favorite Movies (Top 5):

5. Scream
For about two months, I put this movie on before I went to bed each night. I love Wes Craven, so cliche. I love the Scream trilogy (soon to be saga!) Matthew Lillard is one of my favorite actors, ever.
Once I see this live, I'm afraid this will leave the list. But, nonetheless, it's a great movie. It's such a beautiful story and no matter how many times I see it, I will cry every single time.
3. May
Grossest low budget horror movie ever. First: Anna Faris is in it and I'm pretty much obsessed with her. Second: It's kind of a sad story, really. I don't want to give you a whole summary, but I definitely suggest watching it. Not for the squeemish.
2. The Lost Boys
I think this movie just hold so many memories for me that it's hard not to love it. I'm in love with te duo Haim/Feldman. May Corey Haim rest in peace. I love comedy/horror. It's such a good mix of emotion in one movie, haha. It also opens with People are Strange (even though it's the version by Echo and the Bunnymen.
1. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
No, I'm not kidding. I was the Pink Power Ranger for Halloween, for three years. Me and Tommy (The Green/White Ranger) had a secret relationship, in my head until I was about ten. Such a classic 90s movie.  Ivan Ooze was such a goon.

My Favorite Feelings
5. Sneezing
The most relieving feeling in the world.
4. The feeling in your tummy after you laugh hard.
Thanks to many long nights with my best friends over the years, I've experienced it many times. Uncontrollable laughter is the best kind of laughter.
3. Love
It's a great feeling, but not my favorite. Knowing that someone loves you as much as you love them rocks, but of course it comes with some downsides. It's confusing, a lot of the time it's stupid, and sometimes it hurts.But, at the end of the day, you go to bed knowing that someone cares about you.
2. The feeling after doing something you thought you'd never do.
Thanks to that awesome man in my life, I've done so many things I thought I'd never do. We went to Yellow Springs and he made me jump off a waterfall into some scary dark water....with all of my clothes on. We went to Cedar Point and he made me ride Millenium Force. But, his efforts to make me ride Top Thrill Dragster were not successful. He's helped me become daring....but not THAT daring.
1. When people laugh at my jokes.
I feel super successful when I make people laugh. It's the best feeling in the world. I can't really elaborate much further.

My Overall Favorite Things, Ever.
5. Cuddling in bed all day and watching movies.
What's a better way to spend your day then cuddling up with someone you like a lot and watching crappy (or good, depending on your mood) movies all day long? Popcorn, hot cocoa and good company is all I need to have a good day.
4. Thursdays and Sundays.
I like getting done with school on thursdays and realizing that I don't have to go back on Friday. And around 9pm on Sundays I realize that I don't have class on Mondays either.
3. Working at Kings Island.
This was, by far, the best decision that I ever made. I met some of my best friends and my boyfriend there. So many of the good memories I have stem from that place and the people I've met there. I couldn't ask for better people to work with.
2. Deciding that everything happens for a reason.
What if I never worked at KI? What if I we never moved to Lebanon? Ohio? What if I still lived in New York? I love thinking about things like that. It's awesome ot think about how what has happened in my life has brought me to where I am today.
1. Cats.

1 comment:

  1. First, I'm completely obsessed with Scream. I am so excited, but also nervous, for the fourth to come out. Also, I was a huge Power Rangers fan, too. I had a crush on the Blue Ranger because he was the smart one...and I used to pretend my brother was Alpha 5. Poor kid.
