Wednesday, October 5, 2011

the nights and days fly by when i'm lost on the streets.

Inspired. That's the only word I can use to describe how I feel on a day like today. Inspired; a word used by so many to describe how they feel today as well. Everyone: inspired. It's almost unbelievable that one person can have such an impact on a whole group of people.

The weekend of October 5th was a huge weekend for me. I distinctly remember that weekend. For many reasons, it was one I will never forget. I remember that Friday night. Just Morgan and I, looking for something to do. Just Morgan and I, hanging out with a few friends. Just me, staying up all night with a boy I'll never forget. I never realized that I would unfortunately fall in love with someone so horrible that weekend, but everything happens for a reason.  I will forever refer to the weekend of the 5th as the weekend full of accidents.

I remember that Saturday. So happy from the previous night. Life couldn't be any better. The one person I'd been pining over for so long, finally wanted me too. I remember that Saturday. Just a regular day of work. All smiles.

I remember that Sunday. Working. Too early in the morning to think. Working. In a stupid referee uniform. It was chilly and the skies were gray. Just me, standing there, interacting with every guest I see, doing my job like I do everyday. Just me, waiting for associates to get to work for the swing shift. It was 12:20. My pocket vibrates. I'd already gotten in trouble twice this year for texting at work. But, I had to at least look to see what it says. I wish I hadn't looked. Do any of you know what it's like to look at your phone and read that someone you know, someone younger than you, someone with so much more life to live, had passed away?

Sometimes, when I'm in class, I have to read things three or four times in order to understand the concept of what I'm reading. I wasn't in class, but this was one of those times. How could this happen? At 17, my brain couldn't comprehend something so ugly, so sad. My heart instantly began to hurt. Hurting for Jake, hurting for his friends, for my friends, for anyone who he ever crossed paths with.

I remember that Sunday. Leaving work. Calling my mom. Calling my best friend to make sure he was okay. He wasn't. I remember that night. That's the night when everyone decided to put aside their differences, hold hands, hug, finally just show support to one another. It was beautiful.Why did it have to be under these circumstances?  It was at that point that we all realized how lucky we were to have known someone like him. I remember that night. I remember the hugs I gave to everyone. They were real. The ones where you're afraid to let go because you might fall down.

Jake, you will never ever know the impact that you had on so many people. I wish that I had gotten the chance to get to know you. The memories I have of you- of you throwing grass in my hair at camp, joking about how intense people got in ultimate frisbee- those memories will never fade. You were a truly beautiful person. You shined your light on so many people, and bettered the lives of so many. For that, I thank you. Some people need to see the light every once in a while. Thank you for providing that to me, and many others.


The world is ugly, so do your best to stay beautiful. Make someone laugh or smile, tell someone you love them, show someone support, hold somebody's hand, send someone a "hope you're doing well" text, let somebody know you're thinking about them today.

Monday, October 3, 2011

I will be 21 in 11 days.

And that is the only thing that's been on my mind. I can't wait. I've been the DD for far too long, now it's someone else's turn. Unfortunately, I've been so caught up on my birthday and all the things I have to look forward to, that I've found it really hard to write my finance paper. Not that this post is a blatant example of my procrastination...

I don't know where I've been lately. Obviously not on here. My biggest apologies to my two followers on here. Maybe if I had more interesting things to say, I would have more followers. But!, here are the things that have been occupying my time lately...

Obvi. Yeah yeah school is a drag. I only go three days a week but it's still a challenge. I have the worst form of senioritis. College senioritis > highschool senioritis. I just can't wait to be done. Done with the pages and pages of homework, the papers, the proposals, everything. I do, however, really enjoy the projects I'm working on right now. A training manual? WELCOME TO MY LIFE. All I do is write and rework training manuals. (no sarcasm, I really do that at work.)

Finally winding down. Only working on the weekends. It's been a long, hot season; and as of recently, too fucking cold, and I'm pretty much as checked out as you can be. I still love my job, but I think it's time for winter. Chai lattes and scarves.

Current Obsessions:

Donald Glover/Childish Gambino. Yeah yeah you've seen him in Community and you know he's fucking hillarious. But, have you ever listened to his music? He's a genius and I encourage everyone to listen. Not to mention, he's good looking, 100% of the time.

Awkward. Such a funny show, and one of the best I've seen from MTV in a long time. The first season just ended, and season two doesn't start until next summer. Super bummed.

Done. Listen:

Friday, July 15, 2011

an update

i've been elsewhere; guilty. i've been wrapped up in work, getting things together for my last year of college, love, making myself healthy and happy and pretty much everything else other than updating this. let's start with things i've done this summer:

I went to Bonnaroo, and obviously had the best time of my life. I also have huge boobs, in case you were wondering. This was easily the best four days of my life. Not only did I get to see some of my favorite bands, I got to spend time with my favorite dude and all of his favorite people. Just an fyi for everyone: The Arcade Fire is one of the best bands live, you should see them before you die.

I celebrated two years with this sweet boy right here. Two years. When I say it out loud, it kind of makes me want to throw up. Never in a million years did I think that at twenty years old I'd be crazy in love with the funniest (but quietest), nicest, most wonderul person in the whole world.

Life has been so good to me lately. I'm lucky to have some of the best people in the world to call my friends.

So, along with everyone else in the world, I saw Harry Potter at midnight. While I did not cry like I expected to, it did open my eyes. It's over, they're done with school, and grown up. How many people's childhoods ended Friday morning? I feel less affected (I've never read a single book, but have enjoyed every movie multiple times). Although my life has not been changed forever, I defintiely get the feeling that it's time for me to grow up as well.

^^^Arcade Fire.

Leaving for New Jersey the second week of August. I can't promise I'll come back.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

A Weird Break.

This month plus gap between posts is just a small example of how badly work takes over my life. I finally have a chance to myself; my parents are on vacation until tomorrow, boyfriend's at work, and I have a night off just to relax.

Anyone have any good ideas of two year anniversery gifts?

Or birthday presents for the best man in your life?

I suck.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Happy Cinco De Mayo!

While everyone else is out dowing margaritas and eating tacos, I'll be doing my COM homework. No big deal, I still have three weeks of school left.....

I've been sick for three days. Three days of just hanging out with my dad while he complains about the news, talks about moving into a nice house, and yells about the bastard that stole our kitten.

YEAH THAT'S RIGHT. someone came, sneakily, to my front door and stole my six week old kitten. news flash, asshole: she's not old enough to leave her mother yet. I wish nothing but horrible things for you, you criminal. You stole a living, breathing thing. If you saw a baby unattended, would you steal that too? I hate you. /dramatics. But seriously, who does that?

The time I've spent NOT crying over the disappearance of my beloved Lois (yes, we named her already), I've spent battling this cold. And with the help of lots of Nyquil and sleep, I think I'm finally starting to overcome this monster. It was definitely a doozy. I finally think I'm healthy enough to get out and enjoy this beautiful day...oh wait, I mean, go to my REL class. Sweet.

So, after a lot of consideration, and a few episodes of Extreme Couponing, I decided I want to be a party planner. I don't know how Extreme Couponing helped me with that decision, but it happened. I love organization, even though you wouldn't be able to tell when looking in my bedroom. I love organizing things for people. No one wants to plan a party by themselves. BUT I WOULD LOVE TO. So, keep me in mind if you're planning your wedding, or birthday party. Thanks.

Friday, April 29, 2011


Tomorrow, April 30th, is the day. The day I've been both dreading and awaiting for six long months. Kings Island. ("Wtf is this girl talking about?!") Shut up, I've worked there for six years, I'm allowed to be excited.

Don't get me wrong, sometimes I get excited for my life after I decide to get a big kid job. I get excited for the days where I can have my nose pierced again. I long for my gauges back every single day. My hair's red currently, but if I wasn't at KI, my hair would look like this:

Ariana Grande, from the cast of Victorious. I'm 20. Judge me.

But, regardless of the fact that I have to be as regular looking as pretty much anyone else, I love my job. I've said it before and I'll say it again, but I've made some of the best friends there.


Comment for Prince William:

My mom and I watched the wedding this morning. In case you were wondering, my mom was wearing my hat for the occasion. Kate Middleton in beautiful and as of this morning, the only thing I want out of life is to be a princess. Even though I pretty much am...

First of all, how effing cute is William when he whispers to Kate that she looks beautiful. Not to mention Harry sneaking a quick peak as she as walking down the aisle and whispering to William, "Wait until you see her." I couldn't stop smiling.

That is all I'm going to say about the wedding, because to be quite honest, I'm tired of hearing about it so much.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Today I didn't go to class.

I spent my day working on the paper I procrastinated on. Don't worry, I got it done. I also spent way too much time today thinking about things that aren't important to anyone other than me.

1. Why do people pull "all nighters?"
-Seriously. I'm going into my senior year of college and never once have had to stay up all night studying, or doing homework. Okay okay, my boyfriend is the exception because he's a crazy mechanical engineer and writes 25 page lab reports, but still. I sit on facebook and see all these people with their "Spending my life in the library" statuses. I think I've spent a total of 4 hours in the library during my three years of college. I'm a procrastinator, but I've never been in the situation where I'm forced to stay up until 6:30 in the morning working on all of my homework or studying until my brain starts leaking.

-I don't remember the last day that it didn't rain at least once. I think it's rained every single day since April started. I'm over it. My backyard is flooded and there are ducks swimming in it. Ducks.

3. What is going on in my neighborhood?
-My dad caught some dude breaking into cars, and a crazy woman tried to get my mom to give her a ride to speedway. I'm concerned that there is some weird drug ring going on somewhere around my house. I need to get out of this place, or Lebanon for that matter. If you watch the news, you'd be aware that they're currently fighting the opening of a halfway house up the street from my house. You know, right behind the daycare, an right infront of the bus stop. If they lose, and it opens, I'm out.

I wish that people were okay with the fact that I want to write about them in here. I make so many observations about people, I wish I could get paid for it.

^^ you're welcome.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

It's April 21st.

Things I do not like about today:
-It's the end of April and it's cold.
-It's seriously supposed to rain so much over the next couple of weeks.
-Every single one of my friends are partying it up with their, "two more weeks of school!!!1111!!!!1" nonsense.
     a. screw you.
     b. i'll be in school for another month and a half.
     c. i hate all of you.
-Still mad about this weather.

Things that make this day okay:
-Finding out that I DON'T have a paper due in my REL class tonight.
-Just getting a text from my best best friend saying she wants to get lunch.
-Knowing that I'm about to go crazy on a chicken tender salad at bdubbs.
-The fact that I've cleaned my face with face wash pads twice and I still have glitter all over my face.
     a. I went to Masque.
     b. finally believe that glitter is the herpes of arts and crafts.
     c. still okay with it anyway.
-It's Passover, so my REL prof won't be in class today, so all we have to do is watch The Pianist.
     a. I love movies.
     b. I love Adrien Brody
     c. Gotta thing for prominent noses.

The good for today outweighs the bad. I believe I have successfully found a way to get my dad to pay for my whole Bonnaroo ticket. I'm a sneaky snake. Like this guy:

But really. I just tell my dad that it's payment day and he asks no questions. #greatfuldaughter #nottwitter #wishicouldhashtaginreallife

hey, bloggin' world, what are you plans for the summer?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tuesdays Are Useless

Seriously, all I do on Tuesdays are watch Law and Order: SVU, as if I don't watch it too much already. My new school schedule allows me to sit on my ass for three whole days out of the week. (Yes, that's right, I only have to go to campus two days a week, hate me secretly.) It also gives me time to think through everything I want to write about every time I get on here. I know I haven't been updating much, but don't be fooled- I get on here about four times a week ready to post something, but then my mind goes blank. Sometimes I think I'm not interesting enough to have a blog like this. But, this particular post is going to be dedicated to talking about the things I've learned over the last year or so. It's things I need to get off my chest. Spring time always inspires me to try and be a new person or try something new all together. So, here we go, things I've come to realize:

1. I am mostly inspired by competition.
        I started dieting in the middle of January. I lost maybe a little over 10 pounds. Then I stopped. Today, the end of March, I feel like I've gained all of it back already. (It's not really fair since I'm suffering from the women's disease for the next few days.....OVERSHARE!) But, finally, a great idea. Kyle, my boyfriend, and I are going to compete to see who can lose the most percentage of weight. Every two weeks, we're going to weigh in. Whoever loses the lesser amount of percentage of fat, has to make the other person dinner. And, at the end of the Summer, whoever's lost the least percentage, has to take the other to an extravagant dinner and pay for the overnight stay at a hotel. Either way, you're sort of a winner, but not if you end up paying for it. But don't worry: I. Never. Lose.

2. Life is much better when you're surrounded by dependable friends.
         Today I went to lunch with Sam. Halfway to lunch I say, "Shit, we need to turn around, I left my wallet in my backpack." And Sam answered with an extremely surprising response, "Don't care. I'm hungry. I'll pay." But then I threw a curve ball, "No, really. I need to get an oil change while we're out." But, she didn't care, "No, I'm starving. I don't care, I'll pay for that too." Of course, I paid her back once we got back from lunch but just the fact that I know there are people like that in my life- people that can cover me like that when I need it. Those are the kinds of people I want in my life from now on, and not just financially. I need people who can be emotionally there for me; I don't need people who are too concerned with their problems that they simply don't have time for me.

3. Not everyone can be how I want them to be.
           The way I worded it sounds wrong. But disclaimer: I seriously want to be friends with everyone. But, with that, I'm the pickiest person when it comes to friends. If I don't like you, I won't be your friend. That's life. I just want good people in my life. I hate when people try to bring me down, even if it's unintentional. I just wish that everyone could be happy, be there for me so I feel okay being there for them. I just wish that I could trust everyone to not leave me once something better comes along for them.

4. I live for the summertime.
             But who doesn't, right? Even thought I'm a slave to an amusement park, summer is the best time of my life. I love my job, seriously, LOVE it. I've made best friends, learned great things, created some of the best memories with some of the most amazing people you'd ever meet. I just happen to work while doing so. Sure, my classes at school end about a MONTH after everyone elses, so everyone goes back to school before me, but I take the three months I have, and I make the best of it. (I secretly can't wait to switch to semesters at school.)

5. I belong in the business world.
          My major has been Rehabilitation Services for two years. But recently, I had an epiphany. I love people, but I'm not meant to help them as a profession. I belong in a business environment, working with people. I want to run a company, and I want to be the boss that people are happy to have. I've been lucky enough to have some of the best bosses on the planet in my six years of work experience; I just want to be that for someone someday. I changed my major to Organizational Leadership and I've never been happier.

Those are only five things, but they've made a huge impact on my life recently. I think, finally, at 20, I know exactly who I am and who I want to be. I'm excited for everything my future holds and I can't believe I'm only about four quarters away from finishing school and becoming a real person.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hey, Spring. (With a side of growing up.)

I've missed this weather so much. The smell of the rain makes me yearn for summer more than a kid in elementary school. Okay, it's super weird but, everytime I open my closet, the smell of summer hits me in the face. Not kidding. It's weird. For some reason, the scent of leather and dirty shoes reminds of every summer morning when I'm digging through the closet looking for my shoes so I can go to work.

Sorry I've been gone. I've had a lot of things to take care of; a lot of thinking to do. But, on a positive note, I have finally figured out my life and I will NOT be in school for the rest of my life. And I decided that rehabilitation services is not for me. I belong in business. I need something to be in charge of. So back to Org. Leadership it is.

I have four quarters of school left. FOUR. When did I become such a grown up? I'm so glad I listened to my dad. "Don't waste your money on trying to live alone, you can live here for free. Get done with school and you'll have all the time you need to work and live on your own." My dad has always been such a wise man.

Things I can't wait for:

1. Summer- obviously.
2. Bonnaroo- I can't wait to be nasty for four days with my favorite man, hearing some of my favorite bands.
3. Work- I'm 20 and still love my job at Kings Island. I'm probably happier than you.

As of lately, I've found myself wondering why everyone around me is in such a hurry to grow up. I've also found that because of my touchscreen phone, sometimes I hit the space bar twice and try to make a period.

To any one who reads this, please, I need your opinion: are you in a rush to grow up? Do you consider yourself a responsible, independent adult? What's a day in your regular,independent life like?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

It's only been a week?

I was laying in bed last night when suddenly I thought to myself, "Wow, you're REALLY slacking with that whole blog thing." I got really worked up and felt like I hadn't posted anything in two weeks. I completely forgot that I had posted all of that controversial government stuff last week. I apologize for that. I was ranting a little too much.

Although I don't have much to blog about currently (I'm also drowning in my studies, woo last week of class), I will have something interesting and worth reading, I PROMISE, within the next two days.

For now, here's my current favorite song:

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Skipping Days.

I haven't been keeping up to date with my "30 day challenge thing." I lost interest. No one needs/wants to know all of those things about me anyway. There HAVE, however, been a few things that I feel like blogging about. When I decided I wanted to start keeping a blog, I told myself I didn't want to talk about lots of controversial stuff. I just wanted it to be like a fun blog that people like to read because I'm funny (yes, I'm very funny.) But:

Gas Prices:
let's get real. oil is at $90 a barrell. And there's some turmoil in the middle east, so I should pay $3.50 for a gallon of ga? NO. I won't. Thank you. Something has to change.

Budget Cuts:
How many more school are we going to close in the US? In Detroit? If we have to cut schools, I wish it would be somewhere at least a little more successful than Detroit. Teachers are losing their jobs in Rhode Island. And, as it seems, the goverment is trying to take away the people's right to assemble. How many more budget cuts are we going to make? See ya later Planned Parenthood. See ya later Sesame Street, the government "can't afford" to fund PBS anymore. America is bullshit. Here's an idea: hey politicians- why don't YOU take a salary cut?

We wouldn't need to fire teachers and cut teacher's salaries if people like the superintendent of Mason City Schools didn't make $300,000 a year. Maybe if the higher ups in the school systems and these lousy politicians would take a salary cut, we could afford to fund things like PBS and Planned Parenthood. Maybe if the government wasn't so greedy, we'd be in better shape. Why doesn't the govenment want to use the new fuel for the fighter planes? (Boehner aside) It's much better for our environment, which has also gone to shit. Oh, that's right, they probably won't make enough money off of it.

Hey Albert Pujols, yes, you're a fucking phenomenal baseball player. But there is no god damn reason that you should make $300,000,000 in ten years. Why do any of these athletes make as much as they do? I could live off of $1,000,000 for the rest of my life, easy. Why do you get to have so much money and live way above everyone else? You're just going to end up like allllll those people who worked for GM, who lived way above where they needed to live, they got laid off and now they don't have a penny to their name. That's what happens when you "feel the need" to buy $75,000 cars and live in the most luxurious mansions. Where's all that now?

Things need to change. I'm only one person. But together, our generation has the ability to do so, so much.

Dear Obama, I already regret voting for you, please change my feelings. I'm trying really hard to believe you're going to do something good.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 15, 16, 17

Day 15 - A picture of something you want to do before you die.

No, I'm not kidding. I just wanna wrap my arms around his snuggly neck and ride around the jungle. What would be more fun than that?

Day 16 - A picture of someone who inspires you.
To be quite honest, I've never really been inspired by a single person. I've found a lot of inspiration in myself and always wanting to be better. I'm very inspired by people's actions. Either I say, "Wow, I really wish I could be like that," or, "Wow, I hope I don't ever become like that." But, I can't think of just one person who's inspired me.

Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently.
Not so recent....

Getting this job was by far the best thing that ever happened to me. I've met the best people, learned so much, and grown up incredibly in my five years here. I've made some best friends, found the most amazing man in the world, and learned lessons I'd never thought I'd learn at an amusement park.

This also inspires me....
Mas, Spanish book
The spanish language is something that is extremely important to me. I've taken it for five consecutive quarters at school and when I scheduled for spring quarter last week, I cried because I couldn't fit 203 into my schedule. I want to minor in it so badly, but I still have 88 credit hours to fulfill and I'm supposed to graduate in 2012. Bleh. Spanish has taught me a lot of tolerance. I love being able to speak to people at work who don't speak english. I could go on forever about how I feel about Spanish. And to every Spanish prof i've ever had: thank you.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 11, 12, 13, 14

So so so sorry I have been somewhere else lately. I'm so sick. No smelling or tasting. My head feels like it's about three times its size and my nose is so drippy I feel like I should stick a towel up there. Needless to say I've been super drugged up and extremely lethargic.

Day 11 - A picture of something you hate.

Don't you EVER wear sandals with socks when you're around me. Especially dudes. I understand that as a man your fashion sense is way below that of a woman, but come on. What is appealing about that? ^^^ nothing. absolutely nothing.

Day 12 - A picture of something you love.

I love cats, and I love friendship. This picture purrrtrays both (haha, see what i did there? /lame). But, seriously. I've always loved making friends, I love having a support system that's there for me no matter what I'm going through. Friends should never leave your side. (Maybe that's why I love cats so much.)

Day 13 - A picture of your favorite band or artist.

Okay, I might be exaggerating. But I definitely love them. Midlde of Nowhere was the best cassette I ever put into my walkman. I chose them mostly because I can't really pick just one. Honorable mentions: Mayday Parade, A Day to Remember, Freelance Whales, Passion Pit, Four Year Strong, Hellogoodbye & of course....Elton John.

Day 14 - A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without.

My mom. (I don't know why this picture is taken at such a weird angle, she's a super weirdo.) I OBVIOUSLY couldn't picture my life with out her because, if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be here at all. But, when I feel like all of my friends have let me down, she's the first person I know I can count on. She thinks I'm the funniest person in the world and I can talk to her about absolutely anything. I wish all girls loved their mom like I love mine.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 10

Day 10 - A picture of the person you do the strangest things with.

I kind of almost want to change the title to "Person you talk about the most ridiculous things with." Scott is an incredibly good friend (not to mention co-worker of 6 seasons at Kings Island) to me. Hands down- one of the funniest people you will ever meet. We have some of the strangest conversations, but we'll totally be on the same page. We have the kinds of conversations where you can't come in during the middle of it and join; you wouldn't be able to. If Scott and I didn't work together we'd probably be in a gang together at least. SMM or the Sons of Silence biker gang. (He's the only other person I can talk to about all of the Gangland I watch.) He makes fun of me cause I cry too much and one time I puked on myself, but that's a story for another day. He's got this weird fear of raptors, and I get it, cause raptors are fucking scary. They can open doors and shit.


So, I'm probably going to be in college until I'm dead. That's the story of my life right now. All of my Gen Eds are done and now I sit here, one quarter into my junior year and I have 88 credit hours to fulfill for just my major. 12 hours of that is interning. So, I have 72 credit hours of actual classes that I have to take before I graduate.

I haven't been stressed out like this in a long time. I've got all of these classes to take, I don't want to live in my house anymore, and I have under $1500 dollars to my name. Oh hey, real life, when the hell did you get here?  I've got papers to write and bills to pay but I can't make myself focus on any of it. I wish it was acceptable to just lay in bed all day, cry, watch law and order, and eat my body weight in chicken lo mein.

But, looking on the bright side: I have fantastic friends, a wonderful boyfriend, I'm losing weight and feeling healthy, I'm doing well in school this quarter and work starts back up really soon. The weather is getting better and with that, my mood will hopefully improve so for now I guess hoping for good things is the only option.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 9

Day 9- A picture of someone who has gotten you through the most.

No one has ever made me feel as safe and secure as this man-boy right here. He puts up with me like no one else ever has. He was there for me when all my friends decided to walk out. He's been there everytime I've just wanted to give up on everything. He talks me down from all of breakdowns. He calms me down when I get too heated about something. No one has ever kept me as grounded as him. Boyfriend just doesn't cut it. He's probably the best friend anyone could ever have and I'm so lucky that he's mine. He'll find the good in every bad situation and make me smile even when I don't want to. I can roll my eyes at every joke he makes, but in the end- he's the best thing in my life. I try not to be super sappy about him. I don't like being the girl that talks about her boyfriend all the time. But out of all the friends I have come across in my life, I've never had someone so willing to listen to my problems, let alone try to help me solve them. I can cook him all the dinners in the world and record every episode of tosh.0 but that wouldn't be enough to show him how thankful I am that he's in my life.

"I think we dream so we don't have to be apart so long. If we're in each other's dreams, we can play together all night." - Bill Watterson

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 8

Day 08 - A picture that makes you laugh.

hipster hitler is the best thing to come along since (if you haven't been to that site, PELASE go there immediately.)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 7

Day 07 - A picture of your most treasured item.

This is my cat. Her name is Sydney. She's eight and the most prissy cat ever. She's like a real person. She snuggles with me at night, she knows when I'm having a bad day, and I'm the only person she truly likes. She loves to be pet on her belly (yes, just like a dog) and she rarely likes to play with our other cat. She's the best pet I've ever had. I may just be biased because I'm obsessed with all types of cats (lions, tigers, bobcats, allllll dem.) She's the best cat ever. Love my kitty.


Happy Valentines Day! Besides the fact that I have a super great boyfriend, I just want to express the love I have for all of my friends and my family. I have some of the best, most supportive friends in the entire world.
So friday, I picked up Kyle from Columbus, (looking super cute, might I say.) I gave him the collage that I made for him and he liked it a lot. We had a group dinner date at The Polo Grille with a few of our good friends. The food was so good. Best burger ever. We went back to Steven's house for what was supposed to be a classy Valentines Day party. It was a little less than classy. But, there was much laughter, good drinks and good friends. Kyle and I stayed up until 3am, those are the best nights.

Saturday morning we went to Frische's to enjoy the mediocrity of the breakfast buffet. That night we went to his niece's fundraiser dinner. For a certain amount of money per couple, you get dinner, four drink tickets and you ge entered into a raffle. Any date where I don't get carded for drinks is a quality date to me. I was afraid I was under-dressed before we left and was really stressed out, so his mom- being the best mother that she is- gave me a couple cups of Bailey's. SWEET RIGHT? I got pretty tipsy- only to learn that pretty much all of Kyle's family was going to be there. Thanks, Luann! So I was already in a pretty geat mood when I got there. There was a silent auction and Kyle did what he could to prevent me from bidding on absolutely everything. But, he was not successful in keeping me from bidding on the Italian basket: a box of spaghetti, larosa's sauce, italian dressing, colander, spagetti grabber, measuing cups and a bottle of coke and diet coke. perfect date night material. the rest of the night was really great. Got to have a pretty good cuddle sesh with the best boy ever.

Sunday I felt like super housewife extreme (and for those of you that know me, that's pretty much my favorite thing to do ever. Seriously, I played "house" until I was like 13). I used my Italian basket and made a spaghetti dinner for Kyle and his fam. Then! I made cookies from scratch. Everyone was super happy and I felt very successful. I came home later that night and my brother had gotten me a Valentines Day card. Best little brudder in the world. I surprised him today with a box of chocolates and a heart shaped pizza.

And now I'm here. The actual day of St. Valentine, all alone and missing my man. Blogging about the almost perfect weekend, and my cat. This is the good life.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day 4, 5 and 6

Day 04 - A picture of your favorite team.
Day 05 - A picture of your favorite memory.
Day 06 - A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day.

favorite team: new york giants forever. born and raised. although i can enjoy rooting for the bengals, i am always happy when my giants doing work. and i sure hope we can all bond on (hopefully) our mutual hatred for black and yellow- no matter which team you root for. 

Day 05 - A picture of your favorite memory.

A trip to Florida in December with the best boy in the entire world. it wasn't as hot as I wanted, but it was definitely where I wanted to be. Tennessee almost made it up here, but I think I might have enjoyed this a little more. It was way more laid back. And definitely way prettier. I got to enjoy about five sunsets. We also took a mini roadtrip during our vacation to go see MY grandma (we went down to see Kyle's gran). 

Day 06 - A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day.

I am super in love with Chelsea Handler. We have the exact same sense of humor and I seriously wish Chelsea Lately was on for 5 hours every day. She cracks me up with the way that absolutely no one is safe from her and her ridicule. 

Tomorrow: A new picture and I'll update everyone about this pretty sweet valentines day weekend. 

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 3

Day 03 - A picture of the cast from your favorite show.

Law and Order: Special Victims Unit. Every Tuesday, USA does an all day marathon. You know where to find me. Often times I find myself thinking about skipping class so I can just see what case Olivia and Elliot will have to deal with next. Yes, I know it's probably an issue. I definitely don't care.

Honorable Mentions

Degrassi: The Next Generation. The original cast. No one from this cast is on it anymore and it upsets me. But, I'll take what I can get. RIP best cast ever. <3

This was a boring one.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 2.

Day 02 - A picture of you and the person you have been close with for awhile.

It is impossible for me to choose just one person. So here are five. Five of the very best people you could ever want to have in your life.

Sam, Morgan, Kyle, Cara Kayla.

Sam and I used to HATE each other. You couldn't even say her name around me with out me saying some unnecessary rude comment about the way she looked, or the way she acted. That's what boys do to women. It's a sick a disgusting thing. But, now she's my best friend and I love her so much. She listens to anything I have to say. And she also thinks all of my jokes are funny. (: We're so much alike it's almost disgusting, and we go to bdub's every Wednesday. <3

Morgan's been my friend since like, 2006, i think. I'll never know. Sometimes we don't talk for like months (like right now). But, nonetheless, she's a close friend of mine. She doesn't take advice and we fight pretty much all the time and we're complete opposites. But I love her, even when she doesn't think so.

I met Cara when I was tweleve. We've been friends ever since. We can go a whole year with out speaking to each other, and if you put us in a room together it's like nothing's changed at all. We've had some of the best times with her and I couldn't pick any other person to have as a childhood best friend. Kayla is her niece (more like sister, seriously). Kayla and I have always been really different. But since college, we've become more alike and she rocks and everyone should be her friend.

Kyle is my boyfriend and my best friend. I've never met a more carefree, kind person. He makes me laugh and thinks I'm funny. He makes me feel pretty every seecond of every day and never fails to put a smile on my face. We've had some of the best times together and I can't wait to see what's to come.


Valentines Day is Monday. As much as most of you would rather NOT here me talk about it, I would just like to express my excitment. (Thanks in large part to this VDay episode of Glee...) I'm not cheesy: no chocolates, no cards. But, I defintiely love trying my best to be romantic and awesome. I love surprises. Last year I got a big-ass teddy bear and almost peed my pants. Valentines Day seriously makes me feel like a little kid. If it was socially acceptable, I'd still be making Valentine's Day card boxes out of old shoe boxes (I always made the best ones in elementary school.) What are your VDay plans?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 1

Day 1- A picture of yourself and 15 facts.

1. My name is Meagan. And I love nicknames.
2. My hand is on my face in this picture because I have a massive pimple on my chin.
3. I wear three silly bands. A cat, a squirrel and a gecko. Whitney gave me the cat for my birthday, Kyle gave me the squirrel because I love them and Ian gave me the gecko when we were in Florida.
4. I watch Law and Order: Special Victims Unit way too much.
5. I am watching it right now.
6. I finally like football (thanks in large part to the man in my life) and it's awesome. Except, sometimes, it makes my stomach hurt because I get so nervous.
7. I have my ears stretched to 9/16 and I have my nose pierced. I am not a fan of tattoos though. On me, anyway.
8. I can't wait to be 21. And I don't mean that as in a "I can't wait to be drunk all the time" sense. Most of my friends are over 21, so my life kind of sucks, haha.
9.I play DDR pretty much every night and burn at least 200 calories.
10. I have no sympathy for people who constantly create drama for themselves. I will no longer surround myself with those kinds of people.
11. I am obsessed with cats, specifically mine. She's the cutest damn thing ever.
12. I've only ever had two jobs, and I've never been fired. I work at Kings Island every summer. And since 2006 until about 2009 I worked at Hot Topic in the winter. They were both great experiences. I've met some great people.
13. I love making collages. I have a huge one on my wall.
14. I am extremely affectionate and wish that everyone else was too.
15. I really like to write, sing and dance.

Instead of doing it on Facebook...

I think that the 30 days of pictures is a really cool idea, but if one more person fills my facebook newsfeed with it, I'm going to tear my eyes out. Seriously. So, here we go. Thirty days, thirty pictures. (I'm sorry if I fall behind. But I'll make up for my missed day. Never fear.)
Day 01 - A picture of yourself with fifteen facts.
Day 02 - A picture of you and the person you have been close with for awhile.
Day 03 - A picture of the cast from your favorite show.
Day 04 - A picture of your favorite team.
Day 05 - A picture of your favorite memory.
Day 06 - A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day.
Day 07 - A picture of your most treasured item.
Day 08 - A picture that makes you laugh.
Day 09 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most.
Day 10 - A picture of the person you do the strangest things with.
Day 11 - A picture of something you hate.
Day 12 - A picture of something you love.
Day 13 - A picture of your favorite band or artist.
Day 14 - A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without.
Day 15 - A picture of something you want to do before you die.
Day 16 - A picture of someone who inspires you.
Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently.
Day 18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity.
Day 19 - A picture of you when you were little.
Day 20 - A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel.
Day 21 - A picture of something you wish you could forget.
Day 22 - A picture of something you wish you were better at.
Day 23 - A picture of your favorite book.
Day 24 - A picture of something you wish you could change.
Day 25 - A picture of something you love to do.
Day 26 - A picture of something that means a lot to you.
Day 27 - A picture of yourself and a family member.
Day 28 - A picture of something you're afraid of.
Day 29 - A picture that can always make you smile.
Day 30 - A picture of someone you miss.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

beautiful giiiirls, all over the world.

As I sit on facebook, twitter, tumblr -all those networking sites that people use- I'm shocked by the amount of girls out there who have nothing but negative things to say about themselves. It upsets me more than almost anything in the world. I just don't get it. It's your body, it's your face, and you've been living with it your whole life, and you've never been able to find anything you like about yourself? please, do me a favor.

look in a fucking mirror.

please, just for a few minutes. i guarantee that you will find at least one thing you like about yourself. i don't care if it's your ears, your hair line, or your eyelids. just find something. you can be big and beautiful; you can be short and beautiful; you can be scrawny and beautiful.

Also, ladies, you do NOT need a man in your life to make you feel pretty. Just because you're single doesn't mean you're repulsive. you could be intimidating, or maybe some guys just think you're out of their league. i just get so upset with all these girls like "blah blah i'm disgusting" or "no one's ever going to want me." if a dude doesn't want to be with you, he's not worth your time. there's something pretty in everyone. don't pay attention to al those disgustingly skinny girls in the media. if you've been keeping up: super-skinny lindsay lohan is going to jail, AGAIN, for stealing a necklace. so, being disgusting isn't all it's cracked up to be.

sometimes i go on rants like this and i think people just sit back and go, "greeeeat another chubby girl telling me why i should love myself." FALSE. i'm a cute, chubby girl telling you that you BETTER love youself. if you don't, i'll come love on you. because i was blessed with a huge heart and half the time, I don't know what to do with it. but, unfortunately i can't spend all my time telling people how pretty they are or how great of a person they can be. so please, do me and yourself a favor, and love yourself.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

my favorite things.

it's been way too long and i apologize greatly for my absence. I got tangled up in that whole "going to school and writing papers" thing. but, campus is closed today (thank God for commuter schools) so i think I'll take advantage and finish up this blog.

My top ten favorite songs of all time:

I started with this because I know it's going ot be the hardest. Pretty much any time I hear a song I haven't listened to in a while I say, "OH MY GOD THIS IS MY FAVORITE!" But, let's get real, they're not all my favorite. I owe my taste in music to my father. He has an extensive music taste and it defintiely rubbed off on me. So let's watch as I attempt to narrow down my top ten favs.

10. Everything I Once Had by The Honorary Title
This is easily the best break-up song ever written. Since 2005, everytime I've experienced "heartbreak" I turn this song on and listen to it a few times. It's beautiful. I'm not huge on super sad emo love songs, but this song defintiely has to make the list.
9. Island by The Starting Line
This song seriously just makes me think of an ideal relationship with the ideal person. Living with someone you love, almost like it's just you two in the world and no one else. It's beautiful, I like to think every girl thinks like that. How awesome would it be to be on an island with some wonderful man who loves you and only you? Pretty great. It's like "don't worry about the problems we face because I'll love you all the same." Maybe, idk.
8. Two Weeks in Hawaii by Hellogoodbye
I don't care if Forrest is married, he definitely wrote this song for me. It's just so real. It's like he just wrote down everything he loved about this girl and turned it into a song. It sounds like something you'd find in a kid's journal. "I felt so bad whe your mom caught us eating ice cream at your room at two in the morning. Cause I would hate for her to not want me around her daughter." AAAANNNDDD this song makes reference to tying your straw and pulling it and if there's a knot, someone's thinking about you. I do that all the time. Love.
7. Mr. Wendel by Arrested Development
Everytime my dad listens to music at our house, he plays this song for me. I love it. It's just about a homeless guy and another guy who basically is like "you know what, just cause you're homeless doesn't mean you're dumb. I'll give you a few bucks if you just feed me your wisdom. Stuff like that. It's a really chilled out song. I reccomend it.
6. Caress Me Down by Sublime
I get to sing in Spanish (my favorite). Super sexy and fun. This song makes me think where Sublime would be today if their singer was still alive. Everyone should love this song. Tienes que bailar.
5. All Mixed Up by 311
This song also makes me think of my dad because he listens to it a lot. 311 is one of his favorites. Mine too. So so good. This song is really....motivating? It just makes me wanna do things.
4. People Are Strange by The Doors
Disclaimer: The Lost Boys is my favorite movie of all time (Maybe). And this song is in the opening scene. I first saw this movie when I was about four, and since then I've been listening to The Doors. So this song pretty much always has a specal place in my heart.
3. Broken Horse by Freelance Whales
I guess this is the weirdest song on my countdown because I can't tell you why it's in my top ten. I just think it's really pretty. Just listen to it, and you'll understand what I mean.
2. Down and Out by The Academy Is...
This song takes me waaaaaay back to like 2006 haha. One of the best moments of my life was being in a huge, sweaty crowd of people, singing this song, then meeting William Beckett after a long night. (And after losing my drumstick to rude young lady.) I really just wanted to put a throwback song on here, and this one popped in to my head. It's really pretty and makes me feel like singing loudly. That's what all songs should do.
1. Tiny Dancer by Elton John/Ben Folds (Both are wonderful.)
I have never loved singing a song more than this song. Not only does it remind me of Kyle (the first night we hung out we drove around in his truck and listened to music on his PSP and like 5 different versions of this song came on), but it's just a classic. It's a song where you know if you're in a public place and it comes on, people are all gonna get together to sing the chorus, whether they know each other or not.

Favorite Movies (Top 5):

5. Scream
For about two months, I put this movie on before I went to bed each night. I love Wes Craven, so cliche. I love the Scream trilogy (soon to be saga!) Matthew Lillard is one of my favorite actors, ever.
Once I see this live, I'm afraid this will leave the list. But, nonetheless, it's a great movie. It's such a beautiful story and no matter how many times I see it, I will cry every single time.
3. May
Grossest low budget horror movie ever. First: Anna Faris is in it and I'm pretty much obsessed with her. Second: It's kind of a sad story, really. I don't want to give you a whole summary, but I definitely suggest watching it. Not for the squeemish.
2. The Lost Boys
I think this movie just hold so many memories for me that it's hard not to love it. I'm in love with te duo Haim/Feldman. May Corey Haim rest in peace. I love comedy/horror. It's such a good mix of emotion in one movie, haha. It also opens with People are Strange (even though it's the version by Echo and the Bunnymen.
1. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
No, I'm not kidding. I was the Pink Power Ranger for Halloween, for three years. Me and Tommy (The Green/White Ranger) had a secret relationship, in my head until I was about ten. Such a classic 90s movie.  Ivan Ooze was such a goon.

My Favorite Feelings
5. Sneezing
The most relieving feeling in the world.
4. The feeling in your tummy after you laugh hard.
Thanks to many long nights with my best friends over the years, I've experienced it many times. Uncontrollable laughter is the best kind of laughter.
3. Love
It's a great feeling, but not my favorite. Knowing that someone loves you as much as you love them rocks, but of course it comes with some downsides. It's confusing, a lot of the time it's stupid, and sometimes it hurts.But, at the end of the day, you go to bed knowing that someone cares about you.
2. The feeling after doing something you thought you'd never do.
Thanks to that awesome man in my life, I've done so many things I thought I'd never do. We went to Yellow Springs and he made me jump off a waterfall into some scary dark water....with all of my clothes on. We went to Cedar Point and he made me ride Millenium Force. But, his efforts to make me ride Top Thrill Dragster were not successful. He's helped me become daring....but not THAT daring.
1. When people laugh at my jokes.
I feel super successful when I make people laugh. It's the best feeling in the world. I can't really elaborate much further.

My Overall Favorite Things, Ever.
5. Cuddling in bed all day and watching movies.
What's a better way to spend your day then cuddling up with someone you like a lot and watching crappy (or good, depending on your mood) movies all day long? Popcorn, hot cocoa and good company is all I need to have a good day.
4. Thursdays and Sundays.
I like getting done with school on thursdays and realizing that I don't have to go back on Friday. And around 9pm on Sundays I realize that I don't have class on Mondays either.
3. Working at Kings Island.
This was, by far, the best decision that I ever made. I met some of my best friends and my boyfriend there. So many of the good memories I have stem from that place and the people I've met there. I couldn't ask for better people to work with.
2. Deciding that everything happens for a reason.
What if I never worked at KI? What if I we never moved to Lebanon? Ohio? What if I still lived in New York? I love thinking about things like that. It's awesome ot think about how what has happened in my life has brought me to where I am today.
1. Cats.

Monday, January 31, 2011


Super behind on updating this. I'm working on one, never fear. (Not that any of you were.) It'll be big and make up for my lack of blogging over the last two weeks.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.6

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Monday, January 17, 2011

my weekend and the things i thought about.

I get so excited for Fridays. Friday means I get to make the hour drive to Columbus; it means I get to fight all the other drivers on that lonely stretch of 71 North; I have to inconveniently drive the detour around 12th Street to park at a meter on 11th. I occasionally have to fight the meter maids, dodge cars driving too quickly down the street and face the bitter cold. Picking up Kyle usually makes it worth it.

That's usually how my weekend starts out. I'll pick him up, we come back to Cincy, we do whatever we have planned. This weekend was different. There were no solid plans. We didn't have to be anywhere for once. Friday was just a regular day -dinner at my house with my family. Early to bed.

Saturday was quite the day as well. Again, no where to be. Just a whole free day ahead for us to do whatever we wanted. Like most days, we just kind of hung out and did nothing. Things like that never bother me though. The night was great. Everybody had dates so Kyle and I stayed in and played Wii all night long. (Yeah, we're 11. Whatever.)

^^ This game. Best game ever. Probably best played with more than two people, but Kyle and I still had a blast. I definitely reccomend it for your next party; guaranteed laughs.

We also watched Beyond Scared Straight. It's on A&E and if you haven't watched it, you defintiely should. It's a show about unruly teenagers that get sent to prison to go through an inmate-run program that attempts to scare these kids into turning their lives around. It was unbelievable and extremely scary. I was left with one question though: Why would a parent EVER let their children get that unruly?

I am not saying beat your children, by any means. But, if your kid's out of line, PUT THEM IN LINE. Growing up, my parents never tolerated back-talk. (Not that I ever did, anyway.) I just watch shows like this (or Maury, if I'm feeling extra trashy, HA) and I just can't ever imagine raising a child who grows up like that. Maybe I'm wrong. If anyone has input on why they think kids grow up like that, please let me know. I'm dying for answers.

Anyway, I only started talking about my weekend to tell you about that show, really. The rest of the weekend was pretty much like all the others. And now I'm sitting here on a Sunday night scrambling with all my damn school work, trying to study for a test tomorrow, and thinking about how I'm going to start all these internships and RHB classes I ahve to finish.

I'm over school. Five quarters left and I just feel like I can't do it. I'm running out of energy and motivation. All this school work just to end up a housewife. (Yes, that's all I want to do in life.) I need someone to tell me that all of this work, all of the time and all of this money is worth it. Eventually I'll get out of college and be a counseler right?

Insert words of wisdom and motivation here.

(Sorry for a crappy, short post. My mind is in about ten other places currently.)

Friday, January 14, 2011

things not addressed in my first blog.

     After a while of thinking, I decided it was unfair of me just to throw a blog out there that puts people down like I did. Anyone who reads this- which probably isn't very many people- would probably never read again because they think I'm just some bitchy young adult who has nothing better to do than comment on pop culture and the female population. So, this blog will be dedicated to letting anyone who reads it, a chance to get to know me.

     My name's Meagan. I'm a full-time student and I'm currently unemployed. I have a semi-important job from April-November at Kings Island. For anyone who stumbles upon this blog that isn't familiar with the state of Ohio, it's an amusement park. I wear a tie and tell people what to do, so I guess it's pretty cool. But currently, I'm not looking for work. Maybe I'm lazy.
     I live for sarcasm and good jokes. I grew up in a family where, if you don't have wit, you're not gonna survive. Needless to say, I caught on to the wonders of wit and sarcasm at a pretty early age. I'm hoping my younger brother catches on soon. People often mistake my sarcasm for rudeness. But honestly, I don't mean about 75% of the things I say. The other 25% though, that's probably just me not being able to think before I speak.
     I'm picky about two things: friends and clothes. I will give anybody a chance. I love friends. But, you can't get along with everyone. If we can't be friends, we can't be friends. As previously stated in my blog below, I am a highly tolerant person. Just because I don't want to be friends, doesn't give me the right to hate on you. I learned that in college. Once you look past my sarcasm and mean jokes, you'd find that I'm pretty easy to get along with.
     As for clothes: they have to be perfect. I have a weird body. I'm extra big some places and then super tiny in others. It's awkward and makes shopping for clothes the most frustrating thing in the entire world. That's all I want to say, no one wants to read a blog about my shopping habits.
     I spent all of high school and freshman year of college trying t find someone to fall in love with. I had very few boyfriends and they were all never longer than a few months. I've experienced heart break on more than one occasion and it sucks. But, it goes away and eventually someone comes along that's going to make you feel better than you ever thought imaginable. Summer of 2009 I met the most amazing boy in the world. He treats me like a princess and rarely complains about my crazy emotions, my anger issues or my mean joke. I'm in love and it's stupid. Stupid, but extremely worth it. I wouldn't trade the feeling in for anything in the world.
     I spend the majority of my time watching Law and Order: SVU, Family Guy, or Degrassi. I find that I like to surround myself with people who enjoy these shows as well. If I'm not laying in bed, I have two best friends who mean the world to me that I enjoy spending my time with. We're really good at eating and bitching. We piss each other off, but I don't think I'd rather spend time with anyone else.
    If you just took time out of your day to read all of this, I'd love to thank you persnally. I'm one of the least interesting people in the entire world. I just happen to have a lot to say. There's really not much else anyone would need to know about me. My life's simple, I'm simple and I like to keep it that way.

stay tuned! my blog on men is in the works.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

observations and opinions: girls.

Above all things: I believe in tolerance. If people just learned to stand each other, I think everyone would be a lot happier. You can't make anyone do what you say, believe what you say, even listen to what you say. Just because you believe in some God, doesn't mean all of your friends are going to. Just because you make your bed every morning, doesn't mean your best friend will.

With that said, I've made observations of the types of girls I have encountered during the last few years of my life. It's not as if I'm condemning girls for being the way they are. I'm not perfect, I've done shitty things to people who are supposed to be my friends. I've grown up from it and moved on. But when I take a step back and look at the people I've surrounded myself with, it's only fair to make observations. Some observations are good, some bad.


1. Any of you familiar with the show Friends? Familiar with the term "lurker" they use when they're in the casino? That's what I call this type of girl. She waits and waits for a boy to become unhappy in their relationship. She constantly tells a guy that he deserves better than the girl he's with. The second a problem arises, she's there with her "shoulder" to "cry on." Once a couple breaks up, or even BEFORE it happens, she makes her move. Girls are naive to think that after a relationship, they are anything more than a rebound. These kinds of girls just make me wish that everybody had self resepct for themselves. Wishful thinking.

2. The girl with a new boyfriend every week. At first, you understood, maybe she just can't find the right guy. But after the fifth, or sixth, or the seventh, you staret wondering, "Hm, maybe she's just in it for the sex." Or the guy is. This is another time where self-resepect and self-confidence come into play. Girl, having sex with anyone that gives you attention, doesn't necessarily mean they're going to stick around afterward. But don't worry, I'll touch on boys (not creepy) in my next blog. You're probably beautiful, and you don't need a boy's touch to make you feel that way. Just look in a mirror.

3. The friends who love you and talk to you. They laugh at your jokes, they give you advice, they ask you for advice, they let you cry to them when times get hard. But the second you're not around, they gossip about you, tell your secrets, and do the things that girls do. You've gotta look past it and simpy say, "all friends talk about each other." Yeah, my mom told me that. Girls are always going to be unnecessarily viscious. Just a fact of life. Unfortunately, you run into these kinds of girls the most.

4. The friend who will never ever take your advice. How many of you have had friends that cry to you when there's something going wrong in their life? You think hard, you pull things out of your brain that you didn't think you could ever fathom, and you tell them what you think could help them. They thank you; they cry on your shoulder for the rest of the night and you do some of the best consoling you've ever done. But then, the next day, you come to find that they didn't even take what you said into consideration. Most of the time, the girls I've encountered tend to ask me for advice about boys- boys that treat them badly, boyfriends, boy-friends. Listen: don't come to me with a guy problem if all you're going to do is justify what he does. Just sayin'.

5. The friend you can never gauge the mood of. All you wanna do is give a, "hey! what's up?" to. But, every time, it never fails, they seem cranky. They're short with you. They sound too busy for you. Who wants to deal with that? I don't have much to say about that type of girl. But really, just cheer up or something, we're all just trying to be friends here.

6. The girls that party every night. Ladies, it's fun right now. But you're gonna look like you're 35 in a few years if you keep up the drinking, drugs and cigarettes. Maybe everyone likes you right now and loves to hang out and party with you. But think about it: do they ever want to hang out with you any other time? Don't you have class, or a job to worry about? Just think about it.

Don't get me wrong here, I've got plenty of girl friends. We laugh together, cry together, we piss each other off. You just got to look past people's flaws. I wouldn't have any friends if I hated everyone for the type of person they were. If my friends didn't look past my sarcasm, rudeness, vulgarity and comic cynicism- they would miss out on my big heart and funny jokes. It's a part of life. Girls will always be bitches, but we'll always be friends.

coming soon: boys.